awk-a powerful utility                  slide1

        Awk is a powerful language which is useful for various kinds of
        file operations. Often a one or two line awk program will do
        the same thing as a much longer program in a general purpose
        higher level language.

        In short, awk can be your good friend, but he may be hard to
        get to know well.

        awk operates on LINES comprised of FIELDS

        Fields are separated by white-space or a specified field

                awk-a powerful utility                  slide2

        Sample invocations (two methods):

        awk 'length > 72'       (The stuff in quotes is a whole, short awk

        awk -F: -f awkfilename  (awkfilename contains an awk program,
                                separator is ':')

        Note that these examples have no redirection but that
        redirection is normally used. Thus the first example would
        probably be used as:

        cat whatever | awk 'length > 72'        OR (better)
        awk 'length > 72'  < whatever

        This last example shows why awk programs will normally be
        enclosed in single quotes. (Else many special characters will
        be interpreted by the shell.)

        By the way, awk 'length > 72' will print all lines of length
        more than 72 characters.

                awk-a powerful utility                  slide3

        Awk programs are of the following form:

                pattern1 { list of actions-1 }
                pattern2 { list of actions-2 }

        Patterns (Though called "patterns", some of these would be
                  better named as "conditions".)

        Pattern                 Meaning
        -------                 -------
        /string/                "string" appears in this line.
        NF==3                   The number of fields on this line is 3.
        NR==2                   This is line number 2.
        $1=="vaxfilename"       The first field is "vaxfilename".

                awk-a powerful utility                  slide4

        Pattern                 Meaning
        -------                 -------
        BEGIN                   No lines read yet.
        END                     All lines have been read.
        NR==1,NR==5             One of first five lines.
        NR>=1&&NR<=5            One of first five lines.
        /start/,/stop/          From first line with "start" to first line
                                that follows which contains "stop".
        Many others!!!

                awk-a powerful utility                  slide5

        Awk actions.

        As our earliest example:

                awk 'length>72' < file

        illustrated, the action may be omitted; the default is print the line.

        Also note that the pattern can be omitted; then the action will
        be taken on every line.

                awk 'NR>=1' < file      (Action omitted)
        OR      awk '{print}' < file    (Pattern omitted)

        both will print the file. (They function like: cat file.)

                awk-a powerful utility                  slide6

        Awk actions, Printing.

        Action                  Comment
        ------                  -------
        {print NR, $0}          NR is record number (line number).
                                $0 is whole line.

        {print $2}              Prints the second field.

        {printf "\t%s\n", $0}       Prints ,the line,. This is
                                a lot like the printf of C.

                awk-a powerful utility                  slide7

        Awk arithmetic

        + Fields are denoted by $1, $2 ... ,$NF

        + Fields may be used for string OR arithmetic purposes.

        A simple example:

                { s = s + $1 }
        END     { print s }

        This adds all the numbers in the first field and prints the

                awk-a powerful utility                  slide8

        Built-in Functions (An incomplete list)

        split(string,array,separator)   (Returns the number of fields)

        For example, if a file has lines such as:

        Nov/17/1989 Wildenberg,Gerald           ,

        then the awkfile:

        {split($1,date,"/");     split($2,name,",");     print "Month", date[1] , "First name" , name[2] }

        will produce:

        Month Nov First name Gerald

                awk-a powerful utility                  slide9

        Finally, awk has control structures:

                if-else, for, while.

        Awk also has the following operators:

                Operator                Meaning
                --------                -------
                = += -= /= %=           Replacement
                ||                      or
                &&                      and
                !                       negation
                > >= < <= == !=         relations: less than, etc.
                + -                     Addition, subtraction.
                * / %                   % is remainder.
                ++ --                   Increment, decrement.
                nothing                 Concatenation

                awk-a powerful utility                  slide10


             Print login name and real name from paswd file.

             awk '{print $1 " "  $5}' < /etc/passwd

             Print first two fields in opposite order:

                  { print $2, $1 }

             Add up first column, print sum and average:

                       { s += $1 }
                  END  { print "sum is", s, " average is", s/NR }

             Print fields in reverse order:

                  { for (i = NF; i > 0; --i) print $i }

             Print all lines whose first field is different from previous

                  $1 != prev { print; prev = $1 }

        Remove extra spaces.

                {L=""; for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) L = L" "$i; print L }

        Note use of concatenation.