Two script problems

Making change

Write a cshell script which takes four parameters. These parameters will represent the cost of a purchase in dollars and cents and the amount tendered in dollars and cents. For example, if you wanted to handle a purchase of an item costing $36.62 and you offered a hundred dollar bill, the script would be invoked as:
makechange 36 62 100 0

The output is a list of how many 50 dollar bills, 20's, 10's, 5's, and singles would be in the change and a list of how many quarters, dimes, nickels and cents would be in the change. The script should work for purchases which are at most 100 dollars and should issue an error message if the input is bad.

The output from the example would be:

1 fifty dollar bill
1 ten dollar bill
3 one dollar bills
1 quarter
1 dime
3 cents

Remove script

Write and test a cshell script to remove all files which are both zero length and executable.

A few remarks on submitting this

First get these scripts in the form you are handing in (Don't forget the comments.) Then use "script" to test them. Start by doing a cat -n of the script. Then run it several times to show all features are working. Be very careful not to make typos as deletes and backspaces mess up a run of "script". You can use vim or lpr to print the run of script. If there is any part of the run that you think is hard to read, make handwritten comments which clarify.