#store 1 to 10
#Since we use 0-9 as address offsets
#and 1-10 as values to be stored, 2 counters are used. (Kludgy)
#sll is used to multiply by 4.
#la puts base address of array into a register

 		.data	0x10000000	#Start storing here
		.align	2		#Prevent word boundary problems
nums:		.space 40
		.globl	main
	la	$t0, nums($zero)	# Get base address into $t0
	add	$t1, $zero, $zero	# Initialize $t1 to 0
	addi	$t2, $zero, 1		# Initialize $t2 to 1
	sll	$t4, $t1, 2		# Multiply by 4
	sw	$t2, nums($t4)		# Number in $t2 stored
	addi	$t2, $t2, 1		# increment counter
	addi	$t1, $t1, 1		# increment counter
	bne	$t1, 10, loop		# If not yet 10, loop
	j	$ra