# Spim program to copy strings by arrays.
#  void strcpy(char x[], char x[]) {
#	int i;
#	i=0;
#	while ((x[i]=y[i])!=0)
#		i++;
#  }
#  main() {
#    char si[] = "Hello, world.\n";
#    char so[80];
#    strcpy(so,si);
#    cout << so;
#  }
	.globl main

	la $a0, so
	la $a1, si
	jal strcpy

	la $a0, so
	li $v0, 4

	li $v0, 10

# strcpy -- copy the string pointed to by $a1 to the location
# pointed to by $a0

	addi	$sp, $sp, -4		#Use stack to ...
	sw	$s0, 0($sp)		#  save $s0
	add	$s0, $zero, $zero	# Zero into $s0 so we can use
					# it for a counter
L1:	add	$t1, $a1, $s0		# address of y[i]
	lb	$t2, 0($t1)		# $t2 = y[i]
	add	$t3, $a0, $s0		# address of x[i]
	sb	$t2, 0($t3)		# x[i]=y[]
	beq	$t2, $zero, L2		# If at the null, we are done
	addi	$s0, $s0, 1		# else increment counter
	j	L1			# and do it all again
L2:					# Prepare to leave strcpy
	lw	$s0, 0($sp)		# restore $s0
	addi	$sp, $sp, 4		# restore the stack pointer
	jr	$ra			# Return

si:	.asciiz "Hello, world.\n"
so:	.space 80